The research and news on vaccines and infectious disease is coming at us fast and furious, especially now with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Even before that, media vaccine promotion followed predicable patterns, flu season hysteria, “dangerous” measles outbreaks, HPV vaccine promotions. But what is accurate and what is manufactured for our consumption, engineered to steer our thinking in a pharma driven compliant direction?
Now with all things COVID-19, as the 24/7 media drives hysteria and fear mongering, a new push for mandated pharmaceutical intervention is on. In Dr. Alan Palmer's 1200 Studies available below, you will see the evidence regarding the unintended consequences of vaccines and the corruption behind the industry.
The one thing history has proven and the COVID-19 crisis is no exception, is that expensive propitiatory patented new drugs and a new hastily developed experimental vaccine is not the answer. But the powers that be will do everything they can to employ those measures at the expense of our freedoms, our health and our economy.
With the pharmaceutical industry accounting for 50-70% of advertising revenue to network, cable and social media outlets, it is no wonder that so much of the mainstream news is biased toward an agenda that pharma controls. That is why it is up to each individual to decipher fact from fiction and that is not always easy, especially when most consumers want their “facts” in short, quick sound bites.
We pray that in you valuing your own health and life and that of your loved ones, as much and more as the people bringing you this information do, that you will now take the necessary time to study the content on this educational Advocacy site.
Always, in peace, grace and gratitude.
Numerous additional links coming. Please revisit soon.
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