Get this FREE 718 page interactive eBook, now containing excerpts from well over 1,400 published PubMed studies, each themselves containing thousands of additional supportive references.
This e-Book will shed light and truth on one of the most vital and hotly debated topics of our time!
Thousands of Scientists and Researchers Weigh in...
The science contradicts what we are being told by many medical doctors, the media, our government officials and the pharmaceutical industry about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
We are told time and time again that vaccines are extremely safe and effective and that the science is settled on the matter. Dr. Palmer, myself, and thousands of others health & wellness professionals and parents have facts to share for those who think so. There are thousands of scientists and researchers that disagree and you are about to meet them and hear what they have to say when reading 'TRUTH WILL PREVAIL'.
The bottom line is that THE SCIENCE IS FAR FROM SETTLED!
Dr. Alan Palmer has spent the last 2 1/2 years and over 2,500 hours compiling this exposé, with the goal of sharing it with the world.
~Click on the Download below~
A must listen to lecture on Vitamin C and Vaccinations by
Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
A must listen to talk by the brilliant Dr. Suzanne Humphries.
Lecture on Vaccines Disease and Health
Elizabeth Mumper M.D., FAAP, Pediatrician, President and CEO of The Rimland Center and CHD Scientific Advisory Committee Member.
Dr. Mumper is President and CEO of The RIMLAND Center, established to mentor clinicians interested in children with neurodevelopmental problems.
Her general pediatrics practice is Advocates for Children. Advocates for Families is devoted to the care of children with autism and other neurodevelopmental problems.
She attended the Medical College of Virginia, did residency training at the University of Massachusetts and University of Virginia, and she served as Chief Resident of Pediatrics at UVA.
Her clinical experience has included five years in pediatric practice, over a decade as Director of Pediatric Education in a Family Practice Residency Program, 16 years as clinical faculty at the University of Virginia, and five years as Medical Director of the Autism Research Institute. She is currently on the faculty of MAPS (Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs).
Why is this Legal?
For Accountability in Medicine D.C.
Left Her Job After...
"We are living in times where the unvaccinated are being refuses care by doctors, clinics, and schools. However; many are unaware that since "The Affordable Care Act", signing anything containing the word "BIOLOGICS" is consenting to biologic drugs that include: Vaccines, blood, cells, allergens, genes, tissues, and proteins. These products are derived from human, animal, or microorganisms by the use of biotechnology.
This is Dr. Wakefield at his best and well worth watching. He gives a brilliant rundown on the state of the vaccine controversy today in America and he described the ominous future we face if things do not change. This is both a medical issue and a human rights issue.
The forces we are up against are enormous and incredibly well-financed. The power and control of the pharmaceutical industry matters more to elected officials than the welfare of their constituents. These forces also control the media.
Most Americans have no idea that this horrific fraud is happening right before their eyes.
Andy covers recent events, namely William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, and how a measles outbreak linked to Disneyland led to the end of vaccine choice in California.
Using the story of the MMR study cover-up and the revelation of a whistleblower scientist at Merck, Andy tells his audience how to fight vaccine mandate legislation and win.
What follows are a brief selection of aspects of this talk.
Dr. Wakefield has been stripped of his license, his employment grants and has been attacked ad hominem – but his research findings remain valid. He is a courageous and outstanding voice in a sea of silence, and his efforts will not be in vain. -Dr Weeks
• Rate of autism in 1975 1 in 5000.
• Rate of autism in 2015 1 in 48.
• Can you hear me now? 1 in 48 kids have autism today – or 1 in 45
• A child born today has a 1 in 25 risk of developing autism.
• Prediction by Professor at MIT Stephanie Seneff predicts that 1 in 2 children will have autism by 2032.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff has published over two dozen papers in various medical and health-related journals on topics such as modern day diseases (e.g., Alzheimer, autism, cardiovascular diseases), analysis and search of databases of drug side effects using NLP techniques, and the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
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